Little Office of the Holy Cross
This Office was traditionally prayed daily by members of the Order, if they could not do so, they at least recited Five Our Fathers and Hail Marys while meditating on the Five Wounds of Our Lord and the Stigmata of St. Francis of Assisi.
Introduction of the Hours
V. Through the Sign of the Cross, from our enemies.
R. Deliver us, our God.
V. O Lord, open my lips.
R. And my mouth shall proclaim Thy praise.
V. O God, come to my assistance.
R. Lord, make haste to help me.
V. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. (Omit during Passiontide)
R. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Conclusion of the Hours
V. We adore Thee O Christ, and we bless Thee.
R. Because by Thy Holy Cross, Thou hast redeemed the world.
Let us pray:
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, at this moment and when I die, place Thy Death between Thy judgement and my soul: Find me worthy to benefit from Thy grace and mercy: May both the living and the dead find rest and forgiveness: May Thy Church be blessed with peace and unity, and may we sinners be received to eternal life and glory. Thou Who livest and reignest with God the Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, world without end.
R. Amen.
He is the Wisdom of the Father, Truth Divine: the God-Man Who was betrayed at this morning hour. So quickly was He abandoned by those so close to Him; betrayed and abused by those to whom He was sold.
Ant: O most worthy Cross, thou didst bring salvation to the wretched, I sing thy praises: for thou hast prepared a heavenly life for us all.
As the sun is rising, they lead the Lord to Pilate. He was accused by false witnesses, beaten with closed fists, while His own hands were bound. They spit on God’s Face, that heavenly Light given to men.
Ant: O Victory of the Cross, and wonderful sign of our salvation! make us triumphant in our struggle for heavenly glory.
“Crucify!” They cry again and again at the third hour: out of ridicule, He wears the purple robe: His Head is pierced with a crown of thorns. He carries the Cross on His shoulders to the place of execution.
Ant: The chastisement of dire death itself is damned, for on the Cross, Christ broke the chains of our guilt.
At noon, Christ was nailed to the Cross, deemed worthy to die among villains. When wracked with pain He thirsted, they gave Him bile, This is how the derided Lamb atoned for our sins.
Ant: We were enslaved by Eden’s tree, but by Christ’s Cross we were made free. The fruit from the tree of paradise seduced us, but the Son of God redeemed us.
At three o’clock the Lord Jesus gave up His Spirit: Shouting “Eli” He entrusted His Soul to the Father. The soldier pierced His Side with a lance, The earth shook and the sun was clouded over.
Ant: O great Work of Love, by which, on the Cross, death itself has died. It was then that Life was dead.
At this evening hour His Body was taken down from the Cross. Divine Strength lay hidden in the Mind of God. The Medicine of Life was working imperceptibly through His Death.
Alas! The Crown of Glory lay dead upon the ground.
Ant: O blessed Cross, Thou alone wert worthy to carry the wealth of the world! Sweet the Wood, sweet the Nails, sweet the Weight Thou dost bear! Greater even than the cedars of Lebanon, for on You Christ won His Triumph. By His Death He overcame death forever.
At Compline He was buried, The noble Body of Christ, the hope of future Life. Buried with costly fragrance; fulfilling the Scriptures: May I take care never to forget His Death on the Cross.
Ant: Savior of the world save us, who, through Thy Cross and by Thy Blood are redeemed. Help us, we beg Thee, Lord!
Commendation of the Hours
I have devoutly and with pious purpose remembered these canonical hours in Thy honor, O Lord, so that the ardent Love of Thy Passion might be a Comfort to me in the moment of my last agony. Amen.